United People with Dis"abilities"


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Bio of: The Horizontal Paul Music Project MOBY (Mobile Recording Studio)

We would like to take the opportunity to introduce you to MOBY, our FREE Mobile Recording Studio project for the disabled.

I had been discussing MOBY for some time with different people, after I had so much difficulty in my own situation. I am convinced there would be a lot of interest from disabled individuals, groups, projects, and organisations wanting to make use of the facility, and we would like to hear from you all. (UK Residents only)

Our concept is in two types of operation:

1) From an HGV vehicle.

2) From a Porta Cabin transported to a set location.

A Sound Engineer and Nurse will be available on location.

This is a major undertaking and we will need a lot of help to make it a success. If you can offer any help or advice we would love to hear from you.

Please contact:

Paul Simpson
P.O. Box 555

Tel /Fax 01332 737850
Mob: 07968 669367

E-mail: paul@horizontal-paul.com
Visit us at: http://www.horizontal-paul.com/mrsmenu.html

Bio of: Tish Holmes

Hello my name is Tish Holmes. I am disabled and as I can no longer do cross stitching have started to learn how to paint. I did a Bob Ross day course three years ago and my husnabd is the proud owner of the finished piece.

Now I paint in oils and watercolour doing mainly paintings of the North Yorkshire Moors here in the UK or of buildings/scenery I come across. I have been asked to do some for sale in the United States.

I also like gardening which being disabled helps me along with my painting forget my pains for a while. I do special occassion cards, painted with hand written poems or sayings inside.

I have some photos of some of my current paintings which will be placed here very soon or on a friends site with a link from here for you to use. For more details please e-mail me.

I am helping building a N gauge steam model railway along with my husband's OO gauge one were I do the scenery and painting of buildings etc. I do features on this in our model railway club by posts club magazine.

Being housebound, the internet is my doorway to the World and I would be pleased to hear from other painters, disabled persons, gardeners, model railway enthusiasts so we could possibly set up our own club or chat group.

Tish Holmes Web Page
Click Here

